January 2024: Graduate student Lauren Smith and Honors student Nicola Schmelzer had their abstracts accepted to present at the Cognitive Development Society!
January 2024: Lauren received the 2023-24 Fall Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Research Grant!
November 2023: Lauren’s paper Multimodal Pathways to Joint Attention in Infants with a Familial History of Autism was published in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience!
May 2023: Melanie Dratva earned department awards for excellence in child development research!
July 2022: Andrew, Zoe, and Lauren all presented posters at ICIS in Ottawa!
June 2022: Vanessa Q. and Loralie graduated from UC San Diego!
April 2022: Lauren received Honorable mention for The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Ford Foundation 2022 Predoctoral Fellowship!
March 2022: Vanessa Q. was admitted as a graduate student for Fall 2022 to UCSD’s Master of Education and Teaching Credential program!
August 2021: Andrew’s paper Expectations About Dynamic Visual Objects Facilitates Early Sensory Processing of Congruent Sounds was published in the journal Cortex!
June 2021: Jae defended her dissertation titled Inferential Process of Evaluating Evidence: Interventions and Mechanisms. Congrats, Dr. Engle!
June 2021: Eunsu graduated from Cupertino High School!
June 2021: Vanessa D. and Nadia graduated from UC San Diego!
May 2021: Vanessa Q, Vanessa D, and Nadia were awarded the Research Perseverance During COVID Award!
May 2021: Lauren was awarded the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Minority Workshop Award!
April 2021: Andrew’s poster was accepted for the 21st Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society conference!
January 2021: Jae’s article Thinking Counterfactually Supports Children’s Evidence Evaluation in Causal Learning was published in the journal of Child Development!
October 2020: Lauren Smith joined the lab as a first year graduate student!
March 2020: Andrew’s paper on electrophysiological signatures of visual statistical learning in three-month old infants at familial risk for autism was published in Developmental Psychobiology!