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About Us
Our lab is interested in answering some of the following questions:
How do infants interact with their caregivers?
How do infants process social and nonsocial images?
How do children understand casual relationships?
How do infants learn from contingency in their social interactions?
How do children learn from the anticipation of reward-related stimuli?
Lab News
- January 2024: Graduate student Lauren Smith and Honors student Nicola Schmelzer had their abstracts accepted to present at the Cognitive Development Society!
- January 2024: Lauren received the 2023-24 Fall Mamie Phipps Clark Diversity Research Grant!
- November 2023: Lauren’s paper Multimodal Pathways to Joint Attention in Infants with a Familial History of Autism was published in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience!
- May 2023: Melanie Dratva earned department awards for excellence in child development research!
- July 2022: Andrew, Zoe, and Lauren all presented posters at ICIS in Ottawa!
- June 2022: Vanessa Q. and Loralie graduated from UC San Diego!
- April 2022: Lauren received Honorable mention for The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Ford Foundation 2022 Predoctoral Fellowship!
- March 2022: Vanessa Q. was admitted as a graduate student for Fall 2022 to UCSD’s Master of Education and Teaching Credential program!
- August 2021: Andrew’s paper Expectations About Dynamic Visual Objects Facilitates Early Sensory Processing of Congruent Sounds was published in the Cortex journal!
- June 2021: Jae defended her dissertation titled Inferential Process of Evaluating Evidence: Interventions and Mechanisms. Congrats, Dr. Engle!
- June 2021: Eunsu graduated from Cupertino High School!
- June 2021: Vanessa D. and Nadia graduated from UC San Diego!
- May 2021: Vanessa Q, Vanessa D, and Nadia were awarded the Research Perseverance During COVID Award!
- May 2021: Lauren was awarded the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Minority Workshop Award!
- April 2021: Andrew’s poster was accepted for the 21st Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society conference!
- January 2021: Jae’s article Thinking Counterfactually Supports Children’s Evidence Evaluation in Causal Learning was published in the journal of Child Development!
- October 2020: Lauren Smith joined the lab as a first year graduate student!
- March 2020: Andrew’s paper on electrophysiological signatures of visual statistical learning in three-month old infants at familial risk for autism was published in Developmental Psychobiology!